X-Guard Machine Guarding

Our machine guarding systems offer a variety of machine guards to customize protection based on your specific industrial safety needs. Choose from full sheet metal panels for maximum security, plastic panels for full visibility, or mesh panels to prevent damage.

To further enhance machine safety, we developed the first machine guard with rounded corners, optimizing space while reducing accident risks. All safety fences and panels can be combined for a fully tailored machine guarding solution. Our flexible, compliant designs ensure workplaces stay secure and efficient.

Contact us to learn how our machine guarding systems can enhance your safety or design your safety solution in our drawing application Axelent Safety Design.

Axelent Safety Book

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Open and accessible knowledge to all, our mission is clear: empowering individuals, industries, and workplaces worldwide to transform their environments into smarter, safer, and more efficient spaces. Whether you’re in manufacturing, construction, or logistics—no matter where you are or what you do—you deserve the insights that shape the future of safety and productivity.