We are Axelent

– Ulf Poulsen

Get to know Ulf Poulsen and gain insight into his work as a Business Developer at Axelent.
“It’s incredibly fun to work with different parts of the world. It’s also fascinating to see the differences in how various regions tackle challenges.”

Tell us a little about yourself!

I live in Smålandsstenar with my wife and two children. I have many hobbies that tend to cycle through phases, but the biggest ones are probably gardening, stocks, fishing, and renovation projects. I’m almost completely uninterested in sports, except for occasionally practicing them myself. I enjoy learning new things, so I usually have some kind of learning project going on.


What did you do before joining Axelent?

I began my career as a plumber, and so far, I’ve spent the majority of my working life in that field. Toward the end of my time as a plumber, I studied to become a property engineer along with some standalone courses. After that, I became a Business Developer at Bravida, where I worked on various change projects, as well as quality, environmental, and workplace safety issues. I also worked on integrating acquisitions and providing training in different system tools.

Ulf Poulsen - Business developer at Axelent

What does your role as a Business Developer entail, and what is your primary focus?

I work on developing Axelent’s sales processes, system tools, and projects related to those. Currently, my primary focus is on our new CRM system and its implementation.

What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?

It’s incredibly fun to work with different parts of the world. It’s also fascinating to see the differences in how various regions tackle challenges. You can really sense the high level of engagement within the organization!

If someone asked you what it’s like to work at Axelent, what would you say?

Great culture, very welcoming. There’s a strong family feeling here, which makes you feel at home quickly.

Safety is Axelent’s core business. What does safety mean to you?

For me, safety is about identifying and minimizing risks. Coming from an industry where I’ve seen the consequences of accidents and led investigations related to them, I know how important it is to act proactively. The goal is to minimize risks, and if the unthinkable happens, reduce the consequences. Everyone should be able to come home to their families after a day at work.

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Axelent Safety Book

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