We are Axelent

– Jenny Malmhäll

Get to know Jenny Malmhäll Sustainability Manager at Axelent. She shares her perspective on why sustainability is more than just a responsibility

What does sustainability mean to you, and why is it important for
companies today?

For me, sustainability means taking responsibility. We are all citizens of the same globe.
If companies want to remain competitive, it’s essential to consider sustainability in every part of the business. At the same time, it supports the shared goals our global society has committed to.

How do you view sustainability in relation to corporate culture and the engagement of employees?

They go hand in hand. One part of sustainability is about people and people’s health and security which, for us is an incredibly important issue. Which I think drives engagement and long-term commitment.

What does the role as a sustainability manager at Axelent involve?

My role is to lead and manage sustainability efforts across all parts of Axelent, and to support the organisation in these matters. I also ensure we stay compliant with the latest sustainability-related regulations and requirements coming from the EU and global stakeholders.

Jenny Malmhäll - Sustainability manager at Axelent

What do you consider to be the biggest challenge regarding sustainability for companies today?

One major challenge is keeping up with the growing demands from customers, legislators, and the world around us. Another is gaining access to high-quality data about products and components, which is increasingly required. Many companies depend on their suppliers, who in turn rely on their suppliers, to provide this data. While awareness is increasing, it will take time before the right systems and data flows are fully in place.

What is the largest misconception about sustainability?

One common misconception is that sustainability is only about environmental issues. In fact, the social aspects, including human rights, are a major part of a company’s sustainability work. We all work with people in one way or another, whether within our own operations or through our supplier and customer chains.
Another misconception is that sustainability is something companies do on the side, separate from the core business. I strongly believe that to stay competitive and successful, sustainability must be fully integrated into both your operations and your business model.

What motivates you the most in your work with sustainability?

Being part of helping companies act more responsibly while staying competitive. That’s incredibly meaningful to me.

What’s the best thing about working at Axelent?

The incredible drive and joy among the employees. I love it!

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